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The other is referred to as sharing, or partitive division. Dividend - The dividend is the number you are dividing up; Divisor - The divisor is the number you are dividing by; Quotient - The quotient is the answer; Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient Example: In the problem 20 ÷ 4 = 5 Dividend = 20 When we think about a division problem, it has three parts: Dividend - this is our number that is divided up or split up into equal groups. This is the first type of division problem you are going to learn to do. Dividend: It is the number to divide. Key takeaways. Each part of a division equation has a name. champaign county sheriffpercent27s department T he parts of a division problem include: Dividend – the number being divided; Divisor – the number going into another number; Quotient– the answer to the division problem. This is the number that is being divided or split up into equal groups. Parts of a division. 12 - Dividend 3 - Divisor 4 - Quotient Example 4: Label the parts of the division problem. Delta faucets are known for their quality and durability. eric harris dylan klebold death The long divisions have dividends, divisors, quotients , and remainders. The dividend is the leftmost number in the division problem. Once students grasp the idea of fractions as division, they’re ready to advance to more complex scenarios. However, there are many subdivisions that also overlap, such as physical chemistry, as. Chemistry can be further divided into man. 4th Grade Math Activities. kayleigh milktoast mcenany Each part of a division equation has a name. ….

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